"americans in paris"

Published March 1, 1952


Americans in Paris Elsa Maxwell, Boris Aronson, Aly Khan, Bartley Crum, Sol Hurok, Mary Pickford, Buddy Rogers, Darryl F. Zanuck, Richard S. Aldrich, Ludwig Bemelmans, Ernest Hemingway, Saul Steinberg, Robert Capa, Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Sylvia Beach, Marc Chagall, Sugar Ray Robinson, Perle Mesta, John Faulkner, Nina HIrschfeld, Dolly Haas, Al HIrschfeld, Irwin Shaw, Jo Davidson, Richard Wright, Helen Markel, Raymond Duncan, Anthony Drexel Biddle, Dwight Eisenhower, Bernard Baruch, Sir Charles Mendl, and Alice B. Toklas, 1952



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