
Email List Signup

If you would like to license an image for your project big or small, please provide the following information:

  • What image(s) you would like to use
  • Title of the publication or article
  • Number of copies to be printed or produced
  • Size of reproduction (i.e. 1/4 page, 1/2 page, full page, cover, etc.)
  • Website use We do not grant unlimited online rights. Please specify the length of time the image will appear online.
  • Any other pertinent information

We have a simple agreement that stipulates the credit line must be used when Hirschfeld artwork is reproduced. For that we will also need a physical address and phone number.

Upon approval, we will grant permission in writing. Our Invoice/Authorization will outline the terms of the permission and any applicable fees, as well as provide a copyright/credit line, which must accompany the image. Once we have that paperwork signed and returned with payment, we can release a high-res file.

Please allow sufficient lead-time for the rights clearance process. In many instances permission can be cleared almost immediately. However, the more complex the project the more time may be required.